In BKI, we aim to produce 35% of our electricity ourselves
- as green solar energy!

A brand new solar panel system has just been installed on the roof of BKI's buildings in HĂžjbjerg. A total of 3,500 square meters of solar panels will now provide up to 35% of our total electricity consumption. This energy source is green and renewable for many years to come.

"It's been a long process, and there were many permits to obtain before we could press the start button and begin the construction. But now it's finally up and running, and we're very excited about it."

That's how Jakob Bloch, who is the Technical Manager at BKI foods, describes the 3,500 square meters solar panel installation on the roof of BKI's buildings in Højbjerg, Aarhus. And one can understand Jakob Bloch's enthusiasm because the new solar panel installation comes with several advantages.

Jakob Bloch
Technical manager, BKI foods

"We expect that our solar panel installation will, on average, provide 700,000 kilowatt-hours per year, thereby covering up to 35% of our annual electricity consumption with green energy. This also means that we will reduce our CO2 emissions by up to 100 tons per year."

Significant improvements, which, according to Jakob Bloch, will have an impact on both the climate account and the bottom line.

solar panels on the roof of BKI

About BKI's Solar Panel System

  • The solar panel system is located on the roof of BKI's buildings in Højbjerg.
  • The system covers an area of 3,500 square meters, which is approximately 25% of the total built-up area.
  • The solar panels are expected to generate an annual output of 700,000 kWh, equivalent to around 35% of BKI's total electricity consumption.
  • This is anticipated to result in a CO2 reduction of up to 100 tons per year based on electricity consumption alone.
solar panels are being installed on the roof of BKI
BKI factory with solar panels on the roof

Green investments make sense - Even for businesses

The new solar panel installation is a substantial investment for BKI, costing more than 3.6 million Danish kroner. However, it is also expected that the system can provide green energy to the facility for up to 25 years.

Furthermore, the project is just one of the recent initiatives in BKI's ongoing efforts to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, Jakob Bloch explains.

"As a modern company, we work diligently to optimize our production and reduce our energy consumption. Previously, we've been successful in reducing our electricity consumption for lighting by up to 90%, and we've also managed to reuse about 20% of the excess heat from our coffee roastery. With the new solar panel installation, we're taking a big step towards making our consumption both greener and smarter," 

Because solar panels are not only good for the environment," Jakob Bloch emphasizes. "It's also a sound investment for BKI as a company to implement sustainable solutions.

"Even though the solar panel installation is a significant upfront investment, we expect that it will pay for itself within the next five to ten years. It's a good example of how more environmentally friendly solutions are not just about showing off, but that it is actually a very sensible investment for larger companies like ours," 

In 2023, BKI foods had its climate goal validated by the global climate organization, SBTi, becoming the first Danish-owned coffee supplier to do so. Read more about BKI's climate goals and SBTi here.